Blog Post 1: Why Now?
It’s funny being a kid. You think you can do anything. You can be an astronaut, a chef, a firefighter, or anything else you can put your mind to. You truly believe the world is yours and you can do what you want with it. That is, until you’re old enough that people tell you it isn’t realistic. Once you hear something enough times, you just start to believe it as a fact. That was me. I never thought I could ever make a name for myself as an artist or even consider it as a job. I had constant self-doubt and would sporadically paint here and there to fulfill my creative side, but that was it.
What changed my mind wasn’t something, it was someone. Believe it or not- my husband. At the ripe age of 25 we decided to pack our bags and follow a dream of his to be in the world of country music. His passion, hard work, and belief in himself radiated everywhere he went, and he might have even sprinkled a little of it on to me. My family and my friends are the best hype-people anyone could ever ask for. They have supported me in a way that has pushed me to make art for me, and for what I feel inspired to create.
Creating in general is not easy. It comes in waves. But now I let those waves take me, instead of holding my weight against them. Here is to little Bella, I think she’d be proud.